Inspired by the animated character from Disney's Frozen, this Barbie® Disney Frozen Magical Skirt Anna Fashion Doll with Color-Change Skirt, Inspired By Disney Movie is ready for a flurry of color-change fun. Magical Skirt Anna doll features a water-activated color change in her skirt. Using the snowflake wand, kids can harness their own 'ice powers' and make the skirt color and pattern dramatically change with icy water. The color-change magic can be repeated, for endless play.
Kids ages three years old and up
- Inspired by the animated character in Disney's Frozen, Magical Skirt Anna doll wears her signature look from the movie, with a soft color-change skirt and removable cape and boots
- Kids can use the snowflake wand and icy water to activate the color magic, transforming Anna's skirt into a dramatic blue color with a pretty snowflake pattern
- Warm water changes the skirt back to its original color and print so the fun can happen over and over again
- Just like in the movie, Anna doll wears her signature braids for brushing and styling fun
- Fans can collect all the Disney Frozen fashion dolls and accessories for the ultimate adventure
- Colors and decorations may vary
- Dolls cannot stand alone
- Each doll is sold separately, subject to availability
4.8cm x 10.8cm x 32.4cm