The newest Slip Meter on the market! The ASM 925 tests Dynamic Coefficient of Friction (DCOF). Purchase one online today from SlipDoctors. Machine will be "like new" condition.
The patent-pending 925 is the newest tribometer from American Slip Meter. The 925 measures dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF). The user pushes handles down to automatically activate DCOF test cycle. The 925 does not move, only the SBR sensor foot moves.
Use published standards or your own test procedure to accurately measure either dry or wet DCOF of flooring materials, bathtubs, stairs and ramps. The system is small and portable for both field and lab use. The 925 immediately displays information or exports for analysis.
Now offering AMS 925 Rentals!
Use the the NFSI B101.3 or 101.4 wet dynamic coefficient of friction test standard, or develop your own test methods. This tribometer is excellent for diagnostic tribometry for field users that are evaluating floor care tools, chemicals, cleaning processes and materials. It is a great option for those requiring DCOF readings and already have an 825A, as well as those only measuring the COF of hard-surface flooring.